Okay so I wrote a post about how I was in such a blogging funk because I'm so tired all the time but I didn't get around to posting it. See normally I blog while the kids nap in the afternoon but since Hugh has been gone I've been so tired from this single parenting thing that I've gone back to napping when they nap. By 7:00pm I'm so fried I cannot even speak coherently nevermind organize my thoughts enough to write something witty or halfway intelligent. That's a good reason for not blogging lately right?
How about another. I'm pregnant.
Seriously. I'm not kidding. This is not just another excuse. I'm P.R.E.G.N.A.N.T. Which I suppose would also explain the overwhelming tiredness and lack of ability to think straight.
I found out on Friday. I did the pee on a stick test in the bathroom at the airport in Kelowna with my sister Jane. I mean really what better way to say good-bye to someone that you have spent almost every day with over the last year but who won't be in Medicine Hat when we get back because she's going to Italy forever and ever, plus or minus an ever, than pee on a stick with them. When we saw the two little pink lines we hugged and half laughed, half cried. And "Brenda" said congratulations as she washed her hands and I thought well I never was one to pass up the opportunity to make a memory.
I couldn't get ahold of Hugh to tell him until Saturday morning and by then all my family knew, my friend Michelle knew...In my excitement I may have gotten carried away. But I'm pretty sure he knew before the cleaning lady. Besides he was there the first time. It's not like those little pink lines are all that interesting to look at. Right?
Wanna know something bizarre? I have the same due date with this baby as I had with Tristan & Ava. Cue twilight zone music.
Anyway, we are very excited and praying for the normal things, a good pregnancy, a healthy baby, no horrific morning sickness this time. Oh and one more thing about this time. Could we just have one baby please?
Romanticize Your Home
2 weeks ago