Sorry that it has been so long since my last post. We just hit an oddly busy spell. I say oddly because I could probably go for days on end without a reason to leave the house unless I made up something. My social calendar here is not exactly what you call overflowing.
The reason for this post is to report on Hugh's work Christmas party.
For those who are interested (and Paul I know this won't be you) I wore a black wrap dress, aqua pumps and a great necklace that my mom brought back from Italy. I definitely wasted the worry over what to wear. A couple girls were wearing jeans and hoodies! I'm sorry is this a Christmas party or breakfast at Humpty's? (The trucker's version of Denny's.) Some of the women were wearing office wear: trousers and a blouse. And several pulled out the trashy Mariposa and were wearing sparkly little numbers that emphasized their cleavage, panty lines, and and every little roll on their bodies. I guess the rednecks haven't heard about Spanx yet. Something else I noticed was the inordinate amount of bad shoes. I'm not sure when it became okay to pair sparkly gaucho's with Ugg's (nevermind when it became okay to wear cheap sparkly gaucho's) but I don't think I'll be jumping on board with that trend anytime soon. The other shoe of choice for the evening was the square toe, chunky heel black loafer popular in the late 90's. As for the men, Wranglers and plaid with the rope-like western necktie was the dress of choice. Other offerings include a clean white shirt under the slayer t-shirt and a clean hat worn backwards. Stacy London and Clinton Kelly from TLC's "What Not To Wear" would have had a heyday!
They had assigned seating for everyone and we were seated with the owners parents. His PARENTS! When we first walked in the owners mother was standing with the owner who I was meeting for the first time. When he introduced us to his mother we were told that (index finger waving in the air and pointing to the heavens) we had "something in common." So it's going to be like that is it. Then we're standing in the drink line up and behind us was a couple who had just come in. The guy's hair was parted down the middle and tied back in a low pony tail. He was wearing Lenon-esque glasses, sneakers and a shirt that was plaid but not flannel. I guessed it was his wife who was employed by the company. He didn't exactly fit the stereotypical look of a heavy duty mechanic. It turns out that he's the company computer guy (read geek) and our other dinner companions. Also seated at the table were the General Manager and his wife. Well our table certainly wasn't going to be rowdy...or fun.
Actually the people we sat with were very kind and we ended up having some good conversations with them. But all in all I was sadly disappointed. There was no wife swapping to watch, no fireworks set off, and no outrageous behaviour. The drunken owner did do an air guitar solo during AC/DC's "You Shook Me All Night Long" on the dance floor by himself that was quite amusing. And I did snort my drink up my nose when he stood up on a chair still playing his air guitar and tried to do the rock star leg hop across the stage. Surprisingly there's not a whole lot of room to do that leg hop on a chair. But other than that little episode it was a pretty anticlimactic evening and we were home by 10:30. Maybe next year will be more exciting.
Romanticize Your Home
2 weeks ago
please tell me you got some pictures with your phone of the sparkly gauchos paired with ugg boots. That is just ugly with a whole bunch of ugly sauce and a cherry ugly propped on top.
ReplyDeleteHi, This is Renice from Quesnel and WPBC. I stumbled on your blog thru the blog grapevine. I just had to comment and say that your party story was so freakin funny. I was laughing so hard. I could totally visualize being there. Sounds like you will have many years of funny stories to look back on. Humpty's, trashy Mariposa, the rope-like neck tie, mid-part ponytail,the upward finger wagging and of course the air guitar... I can't seem to pick a favorite detail - they're all so rich with humor.
ReplyDeleteAnd on another note, your kids are beautiful!
Heather, you crack me up. I love the stories. I totally can picture you all dressed up and looking stunning matched with plaid and uggs! I am sure you were the bell of the ball. Wish I could have been there with you..well ok no i don't but i do wish i could go for coffee. Too bad we werent posted somewhere remotly closer to you guys.
ReplyDeleteMiss you guys tons..especially close to the holidays, I miss our pictonary and sequence games nights and other fun get togethers.
Happy Holidays to you guys!
Wow, that last bit about the owner was hilarious. The owner doing the air guitar with the leg hop on his chair would have been a great picture too. Even better if you caught one of him falling off.
ReplyDeleteAnd honestly, who the heck makes SPARKLY gauchos. SERIOUSLY!
Steeped outfit Heather. I love the aqua pum......
ReplyDeleteSorry. I fell asleep out of sheer indifference.
I, for one, am interested in what you were wearing and would like a pic of the 'aqua pumps'. I'm drooling just thinking about them. Shoes are one thing I can still wear! The rest of your outfit I'll just have to covet till the baby is born (and then some I'm sure haha)