I was tagged in a "7 weird things about you" blog. Here goes:
1. I do not like eraser marks or whiteout on my paper. If I make a mistake rather than erase or white out, I start over with a fresh sheet of paper.
2. Like Chey, who tagged me, I am also a counter. I count how many times I swallow while drinking a glass of water, how long the water runs for as I fill my tea kettle, the number of steps I'm going up. I pretty much count any repetitive motion. And, if writing a list doesn't work to put me to sleep, I count. Not sheep or anything just saying the numbers in my head.
3. I cannot go to bed without brushing my teeth. I can go to sleep without a problem wearing make up but no matter how tired I am I cannot sleep without brushing my teeth. And I always have to pee after brushing my teeth. If I pee first then brush my teeth I cannot go to bed until I pee again.
4. I never listen to music at home. With the exception of Christmas music in December. Otherwise the only time you will here music on is if Jane is over or if I'm in my van.
5. When I eat toast or sandwiches I eat in a circle eating all the crusts off first. If for some reason I forget to do this, and *gasp* take a bite of the centre of the sandwich first, I do not eat my crusts at all.
6. I cannot stand having closet doors left open. I can't leave the house if the front entry closet door is open and I can't go to sleep if our closet doors are open in our bedroom. Sometimes, first thing in the morning I will take a minute just to lie in bed and look in satisfaction at my closed closet doors.
7. I've always wanted a mitre saw. Just imagine all the things you could do with a mitre saw! I could make my own picture frames, I could cut new trim for our house...the possibilities are endless.
Well, that's some of my strangeness. Let's see how weird DJ is. (I know he's weirder than me!)
Romanticize Your Home
2 weeks ago
It's been great to get to know you through your blog!
ReplyDeleteI feel like I should know you as I've lived in FSJ, Calgary and the Okanagan. Our lists are the same though so you can't be me...that and my total lack of twins - yikes!
You are so much like me. I have a closet door thing too. Shane opens them, and I go around closing them. I loathe open closet doors.
ReplyDeleteMy mom had a major thing with closet and cupboard doors being left open and my brother especially would tease her endlessly..even to the point of screaming MOM COME HERE one night when he was in bed and so she rushed in only for him to say, "I CANT SLEEP THE CLOSET DOOR IS OPEN.."then he burst out laughing...hehe look what you have to look forward to once you kids get a bit older and wisher in the ways of mom..hehe
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