This is basically a blog about nothing.
I have started to write several blogs over the last few weeks, been interrupted and lost my inspiration or, more accurately, forgot what I was going to write about. One had something to do with Ava and bossiness and I was going to to try to be funny and heartwarming all at the same time but danged if I can remember the specifics now. Then I was going to try to emulate DJ with a "blog by the numbers" but could only come up with 2 numbers and now I couldn't tell you what either of them were. Since numbers were proving too diffcult for me (math never was my strong suit) I decided to try a "true or false blog" a la Michelle. Again 2 lines. Again can't for the life of me remember what they were. And so I have nothing. A whole lot of nothing.
Since I haven't been blogging what have I been doing with all my spare time you may wonder. The answer? Nothing. Well that's not technically true I have been watching a lot of tv. Those 3 nights of American Idol each week pre top-12 were getting gruelling. Thank God for the PVR and never having to watch another commercial. I no longer watch anything when it originally airs so that I can watch it later and fastforward the commercials. I think commercial watching is officially against my religion.
Anyway, now that Idol is down to 2 nights I was feeling sort of lost with all my free time so I decided to rent the seasons of The O.C. which has become my new guilty pleasure. Lame I know. Like the balding 40-year-old guy cruising main street in his hot rod with Dance Mix '96 blasting through the open windows. Now The O.C. is no 90210 but dang if I can get that theme song out of my head or stop wondering if Summer will forgive Seth and if Ryan and Marissa are ever going to be able to make it work. Now technically, (spoiler alert), I know that Marissa gets killed off at the beginning of the last season because I saw one episode once, so I know they're a sinking ship no matter what but maybe they'll get to have some happily ever after moments in between all the brooding and before she "moves on to other projects". And there's always Seth and Summer who I'm holding out hope will be the ones that last and be together forever. You know?
So with all this tv watching the blog has been suffering and for that I apologize. Now I'm only just 4 episodes into Season 2 so I can't promise that I will be all that regular in my posting but I will try to resurface every once and a while and let you know that I'm still alive.
Oh and the other thing occupying me these days is we're trying to decide if we should sell our house. We currently live in half of a duplex and we have the opportunity to build again - a fully detached home. Who knew the definition of bliss would include 4 walls completely all your own? We've been looking at a lot and talking to a builder and it's all very exciting but there are a few things we have to work out first before it's a go. Not to put the cart before the horse or anything but in my mind I have already chosen cabinets, flooring, tile, lighting and paint. So if it is a go I have a good idea of what I want and I will post pics of my findings.
If not? Well then we'll just have to wait until the right lot comes up and I will keep dreaming. That is if I can spare any brain activity from The O.C. and all that watching and wondering.
Romanticize Your Home
2 weeks ago
If Jeremy's not home I can get away with watching the OC too, but if he's here he just can't handle it. (I think it's quite good). 90210 is still on, on some channels so secretly I watch that too.
ReplyDeleteBut you should always blog. Even if you think it's nothing. We love your blog. (We as in everyone).