We ran our garage sale yesterday (Friday) from 12-6 at my friend Dawn's house. She, my friend Heidi and I all put our stuff together for one enormous sale. Heidi has a set of twin boys and Dawn has a set of twin girls and all our kids were born within 8 weeks of each other. Crazy hey? The sheer volume of clothes to be sold was unbelievable. At one point someone walking around the 6 racks and 3 tables of clothes said, "Wow kids are sure spoiled these days aren't they?" Then we told her there are 9 kids and 3 sets of twins between the three of us and her mouth literally dropped open.
Other items I was selling: a patio bistro set, 3 shinto bar stools, stroller, high chair, 3 years worth of girls clothes, and random household/decor items. It was 14 degrees above, the sun was shining, sales were good and it was crazy busy right up until we shut the doors at 6:00pm. Congratulating ourselves on a job well done, I took Starbucks orders for the next morning and went home to dream of sugar plum fairies and money trees.
This morning I woke up to A BLIZZARD! Blowing snow and a temperature in the minuses. Bloody Canadian weather. They say standard fare for Canadian conversation is the weather and I think it's because here in Canada Mother Nature is bipolar and our days depend on whether or not she's taken her medication.
After a flurry of phonecalls we've decided to raincheck it and try again next Friday. Next Saturday is our Twins N' More Club Garage Sale so anything that doesn't sell by 6:00 on Friday will just get packed up and taken to the school. We move in 1 week and 6 days. With all this garage sale-ing when am I supposed to find time to pack?
Romanticize Your Home
2 weeks ago
Man if I lived in the HAT I would have raked in the goods as far as baby stuff goes. I am glad that your sale was a success and I am sure you will sell everything else that needs to go. Happy packing and moving..so excited for you guys.
ReplyDeleteoh and I also wanted to say I was suppose to go OUT garage sale hunting today but we too woke up to snow..over 6inchs fell between 2am and 8 am this morning...and me just two days ago thinking that SPRING was here packed all our winter stuff up and its all down at our storage unit accross town...arggggg....it will be a stay at home INSIDE day.
ReplyDeleteGlobal Warming???
ReplyDeleteIsn't it supposed to get...WAMRER???
Friggen snow...I feel bad for you, especially since it was plus 25 there last week...
Alberta is weird!
I love clothes so I understand! and I don't even have twins! Glad you moved a ton and sorry about the snow.
ReplyDeleteWe didn't get any out here on the West Coast but it's been really cold for this time of year. I'm not sure what to make of it really!
Good luck next week!