As I was wandering leisurely through the produce section, (oh the leisure of one cart!) an older gentleman stopped me so he could peer into the carseat. "Oh!" he says in the same tone of voice I must have used the first time I tasted chocoloate, "Oh! Look at her! She is just gorgeous! And look at that red hair! I am such a sucker for baby girls. We should have had mittfuls of girls but all we had were boys. I just love baby girls and then when they have red hair...Oh! Oh! Oh! I just can't get enough! She is so beautiful!"
I looked at my red-headed baby dressed in blue from head to toe. I looked at the earnest face of the sweet old man.
And I said, "Thank you."
And he wasn't even wearing this....
Poor Sebastian. Poor last baby.
This bib is sort of like that really old pair of granny panties that are in my drawer. When those are the only underwear option I have, the laundry situation is getting pretty desperate. But seriously why is this bib even allowed in the pile as a last resort? It's not like my laundry day underwear is men's briefs!
I guess it'll be just one more thing he can add to his list of "things I will need to talk about in therapy".
It's even better when it's at church and the lady knows it's a girl because her name is Clare and she's wearing ALL pink.
ReplyDeleteAnd yet, she really is such a sweet little boy.
Or how about if your pink clothes wearing, ear pierced and ponytailed baby STILL gets called a boy...
ReplyDeleteGood for you for not crushing the little old man....
will you hate me if i tell you that whenever i hear the name Sebastian i think of Sea Bass from dumb and dumber?
ReplyDelete'Kick his ass Sea Bass....'
Ahhh yes, the mistaken gender syndrome. One day I had Sadie dressed from head to toe in pink in the carseat with a pink blanket and an elderly man asked....."boy or girl?" Sometimes I'm not even sure how to answer. Elliott was often called a girl, even though there was NO NO NO way anyone with half a brain would mistake him for anything other than a boy.
ReplyDelete*insert eyeroll*
Someone did this to me when my daughter was all dressed in purple (with flowers too). Her name is Madeline so not really that gender neutral either. Not sure what that was about?! lol
ReplyDeleteLOVE THE BIB and his name! I wanted a Sebastian!