I wasn't going to do this. It was all over Facebook and bloggerland and I wasn't going to do it. But then I had no material. So I started this post over a week ago but didn't finish it (I am astonishingly uninteresting.) I pulled up my blog today determined to write a new post and realized the post I want to write is too much emotional energy for me to invest on a Saturday so here it is...
25 Random Things about me: (So much for being a resister...)
1. My 2nd and 3rd toes on my left foot are melted together creating a "webbed" effect. They were melted by a motorcycle wheel when I was two.
2. In Grade 1 I took my toes to show & tell and when I started taking my shoes and socks off my teacher said, "whoa, is she going to strip?" Slightly inappropriate to say to a six-year-old wouldn't you say? But that's the Yukon for you I guess. They're all a little punch-drunk up there.
3. If Sebastian had been a girl he would have been named Mia Faith. I still love that name.
4. I love playing games and Hugh hates them (unless it starts with x and ends in box.) I have actually cried that he won't play Pictionary with me.
5. I love Damask.
6. I'm a wanna-be painter.
7. I think my nose is getting too big for my face. When I smile I look like a 90-year-old man with my huge spreading bulbous nose.
8. I love Indian food.
9. I want to wallpaper my front entryway and my powder room.
10. When I was tired or sick or double-cross as a teenager my mom would always recommend a nice hot bath and a nice cup of tea, both of which I hated. Now whenever I or anyone I know is tired or sick or double-cross I recommend a nice hot bath and a nice cup of tea, both of which I love.
11. I hate telling people coming over that I'm an interior designer. My budget has yet to live up to the rooms I have designed in my head!
12. My Grade 4 teacher went on maternity leave halfway through the year and my mom sent along a gift for me to give her. I was mortified beyond mortified when she opened up some ruffle bum underwear to go over a baby's diaper (Why can't I think of the proper name for them?) in front of the whole class and then thanked me by name!
13. I am fiercely competitive. Today Hugh and I played a Max and Ruby version of the game Sorry! with our kids and I just about had a fit because I was the first one to have all my yellow guys lined up waiting to go home and all I popped were purples for about 50 turns and EVERYONE ELSE beat me! I had to remind myself not to kick Hugh under the table because we were having F.U.N.
14. I would love, love, love to learn the Flamenco.
15. I love chippy-peely furniture. Also known as Shabby Chic.
16. I go through fan decks of paint samples for fun.
17. I want a cottage on the beach and an apartment in Paris.
18. I have been to 14 or 15 different countries but never been further east in Canada than where I currently live. SAD.
19. I want to do a road trip across Canada sometime when our kids are older.
20. I have only ever been to one concert. It was a Blue Rodeo concert and it was SO BORING!
21. I love musicals but I prefer ones that have some dialogue in them.
22. I have a dream of a really beautiful garden. There would be profusions of colour, flagstone pathways, tall grasses. I'd have an herb garden and planters around my back deck with flowers that only open in the evening. The only problem is I absoluely despise gardening.
23. I love being in my 30's. I feel more at peace with who I am than I have ever felt and I have learned the awesomeness of saying NO!
24. My favourite Starbucks drink is a grande 2-pump white mocha americano misto. It's half the cost and half the sweetness of a regular white mocha. (Thank you Michelle!)
25. My current favourite rainy-day, sad-day, sick-day movie is Penelope. It was You've Got Mail for years followed by Bewitched and then Pride and Prejudice (BBC Version).
GOOD GRIEF! That just took me an entire nap-time! What a waste for something so boring to read. This is why I don't do these things! I was going to be a resister, remember?
Romanticize Your Home
2 weeks ago
Your #4 is so us! I love games could play them all the time (and have to win too!)
ReplyDeleteYou are not incredibly boring...you are an amazing person! Don't you forget it!
I think I need to try you drink too....afraid I would choke on some of the words tho!!!
The ruffly underwear are bloomers.
ReplyDeleteAnd I love Indian food too, I am making butter chicken tonight.
No, not boring.
Heather, the reason Hugh wont play Pictionary with you anymore may be because you once thought his drawing of a pregnant lady was a hill with ants on it....
ReplyDeletemiss you guys...you are SO not boring...may just have to go to Starbucks tomorrow!!!!
So awesome... you are FAR from uninteresting.
ReplyDeleteMia Grace is my all time favourite girls name. Great minds think alike...
PS. Blue Rodeo??
ReplyDelete#4 I love games too.....
ReplyDelete#5 This is one of those times in our friendship where I don't know what this fancy word means...
#7 HUH? It SO isn't!
#9 I have an aversion to wall-paper
#13 ME TOO
#16 I would rather have you stab me.
#19/21 Me too...on both accounts
#23 Hell ya
#24 You're welcome
I liked it... I too would love to have a garden, hate gardening and I usually kill everything I try to grow. My planters I took a pre-made basket and planted it in my planters. I moved.. and now they sit dead in the planters.... and I left them :(
ReplyDeletewow, i just learned a few more things about you. I love it!
ReplyDelete#11- I totally understand. I hate telling people I do photography because my wall are so bare-void of any family pictures or photography-like photos.
Heather, you're the most popular blogger in all of blogger land. You've had close to 2,000 people view your profile. Puts my mere 750 to shame. :(
ReplyDeleteAlso... "something new to read" my ASS.
ReplyDelete(That's your friendly kick in the butt.)