1. I am willing to sacrifice fashion for comfort - sort of. On the Saturday my sisters and I went to High Tea at The Fish House in Stanley Park and then walked the seawall. I brought running shoes to change into and tried not to feel self-conscious in my black coat, black dress, black leggings and glaringly white Nike's. My sisters had the advantage of having their entire wardrobe at their fingertips and both wore stylishly sensible equestrian-esque boots. Every time I looked down at our feet I heard that Sesame Street song, "one of these things doesn't belong here...."
2. Ballet flats that are comfortable for a day of shopping at home are not comfortable for a day of shopping in Vancouver. I considered wearing the Nike's because I knew it would be more walking than the seawall, but no. Couldn't do it. I wasn't browsing through snooty shops on Robson in trainers. Fashion won out that day. And so did shin splints and blisters which popped up on every toe and both heels.
3. The city is friendlier than I expected. Every where I went people struck up conversation. The man in the airport who's brother was playing on Canada's Curling team at the Paralympics; the guy working at Chapters who is a film student and thinks "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies" is an abomination (which I personally agree with); The girl on the bus who told me the driver had called her out over the intercom, even though she was only a couple seats behind him, for curling her foot up under her on the seat; the crazy-looking, likely homeless guy who walked past us on Robson then turned around walked ahead of us and then came back towards us opening his mouth like he was about to speak until I averted my eyes.
4. It is not a good idea to make too much eye contact.
5. I will never drink another Starbucks Mocha again. After mocha's from JJ Bean and a place called Wicked, just a block below Jane's apartment, I have realized how gritty and inferior the Starbucks Mocha is.
6. I like cappuccino's. Me. The girl who only likes her coffee products to taste like liquid candy. I know, right? Surprised me too. Had the best cappuccino ever at the Autumn Brook Art Gallery which also does a weekend brunch. It was so good Erin and I both had to get another one to go. I'm still dreaming about them.
7. It actually is possible to have too much chocolate in a chocolate-filled croissant. GASP. Can you believe I just said that? During Erin's last visit here she told me about this chocolate croissant she got from the Granville Market and how she thought about me because she knows how much I love them but that she was disappointed because it had too much chocolate in it. Well I thought that was just plain blasphemy. How could there possibly be too much chocolate in a chocolate croissant? I was determined to try it out for myself during this trip and I found much to my shock and alarm, Erin was right! What is the matter with me? First it's the coffee and now this. This may require an intervention if it goes any further!
8. I do not sleep well without Hugh. Every night I'd lie down and close my eyes, exhausted after a full day and.... BING! My heart would start racing and my adrenaline would kick in and I'd spend the night tossing and turning while my mind raced merrily away. Though that may have been the result of all the espresso I was drinking.
9. My baby sister is a really good mom. I never doubted it but it was really special to see her in action. And Felix? Good lord that nephew of mine is adorable! I actually pulled a muscle in my neck/shoulder freaking out about his cuteness and then had to lay on a tennis ball to try to get the knot out.
10. It's not a good idea to have short Asian girls take your group photo. The only picture I have of the three of us our heads are cut-off at the top and we look overly tall and out of proportion. Should've guessed how it would turn out when the camera was pointed at our chests!
All in all it was a great trip. We did lot's of walking, coffee'ing and laughing together and I'm so thankful for the opportunity to reconnect with my sisters like that. The next best thing to going was coming home. Sweet little faces and voices greeting me at my home airport. Hugh. Hugs. Kisses. Bouquets of flowers... There really is no place like home.
Romanticize Your Home
2 weeks ago