I love CBC radio. It is the sounds of my childhood; hockey games on road trips, news and features every morning while getting ready for school. I even remember listening to Peter Gzosky on Morningside when we lived in the Yukon. When channel surfing for radio stations in other cities I can always tell which one is CBC. It has a certain quality, an indefinable sound that I can only describe as Canadian. CBC, like Hockey Night in Canada, has been woven into the DNA of our country. It is wonderfully and inextricably part of our Canadian experience. I love CBC radio.
I also love a good story. When I read, I read for escape. I want my stories to be funny or heartwarming and if I get really lucky they'll be both. Which is why I am such a fan of Stuart McLean and The Vinyl Cafe. How could I not love something that combines great stories and a radio program on CBC? His books make me laugh until I have literally shaken our bed at night. I get perma-grin listening to his CD's of stories on road trips and can only imagine how strange I must look to the oncoming traffic, like whoa, did you see the look on that lady's face, the one driving the minivan? I hope her kids are okay in there. Seeing Stuart McLean live, which I've had the privilege of doing three times, most recently last night, is wonderful. His voice, so magical to begin with, is augmented by how endearing he is in person; how sincerely humble he is; how genuine his delight is in the warm reception of him and his characters. Dave & Morley are so beloved, so real, they have ceased to be characters and feel instead like old friends of the family as does Stuart himself. Stuart's interplay with the audience is masterful and the shouts of laughter that resonate through the auditorium settle into your heart until it is so full of warmth and delight and goodwill to your fellow man you have to spill a few tears to make room for all that good feeling. Well, I do. Hugh doesn't seem to have the same problem. Heads of warring nations should cease peace talks. They should sit in on a live show of The Vinyl Cafe. Guaranteed they'd be slapping knees and slapping backs, the best of friends by the end of the night.
My entire family loves The Vinyl Cafe and we were all excited about Extreme Vinyl Cafe, Stuart's new book which was released shortly before Christmas. I may or may not have threatened the dissolution of our marriage if it wasn't under the tree Christmas morning. In my stocking on Christmas morning I found two tickets to last night's show. Best gift ever! We moved on to the presents under the tree.
To Mom & Jay from Hugh & Heather: Extreme Vinyl Cafe.
To Heather from Hugh: Extreme Vinyl Cafe.
To Erin from Mom & Jay: Extreme Vinyl Cafe.
To Hugh & Heather from Mom & Jay: Extreme Vinyl Cafe.
It was a Vinyl Cafe Christmas! Thankfully while I had been wrapping presents a week earlier I had also been watching a Christmas movie. There is something to be said for distraction. I forgot to inscribe the book to my parents so they were able to take the extra copy and send it along to my other sister and her husband who hadn't been able to come out for Christmas close as she was to her due date.
The Vinyl Cafe is a real family affair which I am being diligent to pass on to the next generation. Not too long ago we were listening to one of the Vinyl Cafe CD's in the car. It was just an ordinary errand-day and Hugh and I were taking turns staying in the van while the other was able to run in without dealing with buckles and strollers and other kid paraphernalia. The kids were playing little games in the backseat and I put in a Vinyl Cafe CD to pass the waiting time more enjoyably. We had just pulled into a parking lot when Hugh and I burst into laughter over Dave's latest shenanigan. We listened for a minute more and then Hugh paused it so he wouldn't miss the rest of the story while he was gone. Just as Hugh was opening the van door Ava's little voice piped up from the very back of the van, "What did Dave do?"
And isn't that just the right question to ask when it comes to Dave?
Romanticize Your Home
2 weeks ago
Shamefully- I have never read The Vinyl Cafe- although my mom does have a copy. So I'll have to borrow it. You sold it to me- I am interested! Good job. You should also send a copy of this post to CBC.
ReplyDeleteBILLIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You should READ IT...RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!