Do you ever just know it's going to be one of "those" days?
I flicked the kettle on this morning and then went to my tea jar and... no tea. Okay technically I did have tea, just not my favourite tea (Twinings Earl Grey if really want to know). I have Red Rose which I only use for iced tea. I have black current tea which I drink sometimes when I'm writing and which makes me think of Hugh's mom who is a writer and the one who introduced me to that particular tea. And I have Lady Grey which is strictly an afternoon tea because it's so much lighter and more citrus-y than the Earl.
I was feeling mildly panicky as I looked through all my cupboards just be absolutely, 100% sure I had no more Earl Grey tea. The kids were asking me questions about tea and I actually asked them to stop talking while I tried to get the panic under control. Panicking about tea? Overreact much? That's a good example to set for my kids. As I opened up a packet of Lady Grey, I couldn't shake the feeling that this day had just been kiboshed. But I believe in being proactive and I mentally shook it off even going so far as to brush a hand down each arm, bad attitude begone! This was not going to ruin my day because I didn't choose for it to ruin my day.
Sometimes things work better in theory than in reality. I really am a big believer in being proactive and making good choices about our attitude despite our circumstances but sometimes? Sometimes all you can really do is cry.
Like when on top of not having the right tea I discover Ava has lost a jewelry box I've had since I was a little girl and gave to her to put her "pretties" in after much begging and promising to be careful.
Like when you turn your house upside-down and still can't find it though you are convinced it has to be here somewhere.
Like when it's so blustery and cold out we need to get out our beautiful Padraig slippers which were Christmas gifts from my mom and Ava only has one and the other is nowhere (and I do mean nowhere) to be found. Though just to be sure you turn your house upside-down for the second time in four hours because like the jewelry box, IT HAS TO BE HERE SOMEWHERE!
Like when your baby who is sleeping for only the second day in a big boy bed wakes up one hour into his nap screaming bloody murder and you haven't had the time you need to calm down and breathe deep and regain your equilibrium.
Like when the wind is blowing so hard it blows your trampoline from one side of your yard to the other and manages to turn it almost upside down in the process, and then you have to call your husband to come home from work, and then you can't get it back upright because every time you get close the wind gusts again and knocks you off your feet, and then your hands and ears start burning in the biting wind and your legs feel numb through your pants. And then you finally get it upright and discover three of the posts the net is attached to are broken or bent.
And it's only 3:30pm.
Things can only go up from here, right?
Romanticize Your Home
2 weeks ago
Eww. I'm having a day like that also, although I have plenty of tea. Holly's in her play pen screaming her head off though, if that makes you feel any better.
ReplyDeleteyikes sounds rough!! Glad you made it through. Thank goodness those days are more often the exception and not the rule.