This morning it was 3:37am when I startled awake. This time it was about indoor and outdoor shoes. See I bought the kids indoor shoes that aren't runners because I wasn't really thinking about things like gym class. I was thinking about style. I got Ava a pair of black ballet flats and Tristan a pair of grey flannel plaid loafers that just need an elbow-patch blazer and pipe to complete the look.
Yesterday when we went to school for the meet and greet the kids had to wear something other than flip flops for the first time since last spring since it all of a sudden got COLD here, and wouldn't you know it Tristan has outgrown both pairs of his outdoor shoes. I thought I would pick up something at the "super" grocery store yesterday but the only pair that I really liked were black hightops that were kind of hard for Tristan to get on and which I thought would be frustrating for him to deal with when he just wanted to get to the playground at recess. As a final fling before school we are spending a night this weekend in a hotel in Calgary that has a couple of huge waterslides and comes with zoo passes for us all. It's going to be a very fun weekend and I thought yesterday at the "super" grocery store that I'd just pick Tristan up some shoes in Calgary.
This is a great idea in theory. What woke me up in the middle of the night was the fact that he needs something to wear for his half-day Friday and his options are flip-flops - but then does he wear his inside shoes without socks? - or shoes that hurt his big toe - could he be fine enough for one morning? And then to really make me lose all hope of going back to sleep I started to think through the pros and cons of having his indoor shoes be outdoor shoes and buying him something more runner-like for inside. Which also made me do an inventory of Ava's shoes and made me wonder if she also needs something more runner-like for inside.
Mom's I need your help. What do you do? What works for your kids? Also, Mom's with daughters tell me this, what do you do about all those cute little shoe options like boots and ballet flats? Do you let them wear that kind of thing on the playground? Don't they just get trashed? Should I care if they get trashed? Also what do you do when your daughters wear dresses to school? Do they just wear them with the indoor running shoes?
I feel stupid even asking these questions and like I'm really worrying too much about something that is not really that important. It's just... you know what it is? It's the grown-up version of wanting to fit in at school.
Romanticize Your Home
2 weeks ago
Heather, I just went through this with Ella needing indoor shoes for pre school! In fact I made my husband and in laws come to the store to help make the decision, so I completely understand.
ReplyDeleteAfter standing in the shoe aisle for an hour we decided on some mary jane style shoes in brown and soft pink that have good grips on the bottom. They will go with dresses or pants and the brown/pink combo works with most of her outfits. They are also very easy for her to put on herself.
Good luck on your search. It sounds like you have many more options where you live. I had zellers. It was depressing. Thankfully the shoes are actually cute.
LOL... I bought Clare runners that are velcro do up... easy for her. If one day she wants to wear a dress to school, we can just put her dressier shoes in her backpack.
ReplyDeleteCan't you just have a gym bag for your kids with the runners they need for gym class? Isn't that what we used to do when we were kids? Have things changed?
Also, I think I bought the same shoes as Kari did- because alas, we only have Zellers too.
No gym bag for Kindergarten-ers. I asked Michelle this and I guess kids don't change for gym until Grade 3 or 4 or something like that.
ReplyDeleteOh my, I have and still have that same dilemma. When Journee was in Kindergarten I found a really cute pair of running flats. It was like a ballet shoe but had like a running shoe sole. I guess like what Kari was talking about. I found it at the Gap but I'm sure you can find those anywhere. That worked so well with just jean AND her dressier clothes AND stood up to gym classes.
ReplyDeleteLast year, when Journee wore an outfit that required "stylish" boots, I sent them in her bag to wear in class and unfortunately had to sacrifice the cool look and wear runners with her skirt or leggings on playground during recess. Oh the horror. I'm just glad I wasn't there to see it but I didn't want her ruining her boots because she also wore them to church or other places. If she had gym on that day she was allowed to slip on her indoor runners.
With Asia in kindergarten it was different. I would only send her boots on days I knew it wasn't gym because she too wasn't allowed to switch into yet another pair of shoes. Near the end of the school year last year she out grew her indoor shoes and I I found a cute pair of girl slip on skater shoes (there's probably a better word for it). She could actually wear it with jean, tights and skirts. To be honest, I got the idea from another student in her class.
But to tell you the truth once you see what the other little girls are wearing it won't be such an issue anymore. Lots of girls wearing running shoes with dresses but they don't care. They're looking good in their dresses and can still play on the playground and run around. It's us Moms that need to let go.
Happy shoe hunting. I'm going this weekend. Wish me luck! ;)
Holy cow am I way out of my zone reading something like this!!! Lol...I haven't thought about indoor/outdoor shoes since I left elementary school. Heather, by the time YOUR kids have left elementary school I'LL be the one standing in the store with shoes, kids, and conundrums!