Are you wondering? Are you curious? Are you just dying to know if I cleaned my bathrooms?
I am here to proudly tell you yes, yes I did.
It only took me 10 days of avoiding them. Don't you feel relieved? I feel relieved.
As for the other things on my list:
* Check for washing my hair.
* Check for tracking down my Chiro/Physio receipts. I thought I'd try my filing cabinet first. Makes sense, right? Then I thought I would try my folder titled: Chiro/Physio. No-brainer, right? Ummm.... I found them in the Tool Receipts folder. And no, it's not the folder directly behind the Chiro/Phsyio. Really not sure what I was thinking.
* Check for cooking the roast. Although...
Okay here's the story. I thought I'd follow The Pioneer Woman's Pot Roast Recipe. Looks good right? The directions look easy right? It started off with me turning on the burner so my pan could warm a bit before I put the oil in. And then the phone rang. And the kids kept asking me questions while I was trying to work out a calendar issue with who I was talking to on the phone. And I had just thrown a cheese sandwich into my frying pan on another element. I ended up badly burning the bottom of my pan and my sandwich. I do not multi-task well in the kitchen.
I regrouped. I took both pans off the heat, made a new sandwich, decided my roast pan was going to survive and started over. I added the oil to the pan, while it was warming this time, threw my new cheese sandwich in the frying pan and then helped Ava bring her dollhouse upstairs. This was followed by 5 minutes of waving a tea towel like a truce flag while standing beneath my clanging fire alarm. Hey kids, Mama's in the kitchen again!
Though it was a rather rough start, in the end it all turned out. Minus another tea towel waving episode when I took my smoking hot (literally) muffin tin out of the oven to pour in the Yorkshire Pudding batter. And now my freshly washed hair smells like smoking hot oil. You just can't win 'em all! I wish I had a picture of my roast to show you but I didn't have enough presence of mind to be pouring batter, making gravy, sauteeing zuchinni and pulling out my camera.
So that's that.
The only thing yet to do on yesterday's list is take over that dang thank you card. It will be the death of me I'm sure! It's been so long now I feel like I need to take it with cookies or something. One more thing to avoid.... At the rate I'm going I'm going to have to buy them a cruise next Christmas!
Are you an avoid-er? Do you have lists? What are you avoiding today?
Romanticize Your Home
2 weeks ago
now that you have clean hair we would all love to see a picture of your new hair cut!!!!
ReplyDeleteOooh! Thanks for reminding me!