I’m not sure if you’ve noticed but I haven’t been blogging very much lately. Yes, I’ve been busy. Yes, I’ve been tired. Yes, it seems like the minute I sit down to put my fingers to keyboard I’m jumping right back up again. But mostly? Mostly I just feel too boring to post anything. I’ve been approaching everything in my life as potential blog material and nothing seems interesting enough to say. It’s just same old, same old. This is not to say that I’m bored with my life. I find my own life quite enjoyable and interesting. I just haven’t had anything to say I think anyone else would be interested in. The last blog I posted felt dry and dull and I was bored and thinking who cares? (except me) even as I was posting it!
Shortly after posting that last post an old friend I haven’t talked to in eons called. “I read your blog this morning,” she said. “I could so relate.” She was in the middle of a situation where she desperately needed groceries but her youngest had just gone through a few days of diarrhea and she didn’t trust that he was really over it and was sure that at the most inconvenient moment possible (and don’t we know moms, it’s always at the most inconvenient moment possible) he’d have a relapse. While we were discussing how glamorous it is to be a mom, two of her kids were decorating the peanut butter jar with Canuck logos in anticipation of Game 7. Fifteen or so minutes later Jaime interrupted me with a gasp. Unbeknownst to her, those two darling little boys had wandered away and managed to cover themselves and their entire bathroom in Canuck peanut butter. Jaime walked in to a peanut butter-crusted sink one inch from overflow. “Uh..... can I call you back later?” she asked.
As we hung up the phone I thought, oh wow. Poor Jaime. That would really suck. Jesus please give her strength and grace to get through this. My next thought was, that would be a seriously good blog. And I’m not kidding, for a moment, I wished my kids would do something like that so I’d finally have something good to write about. And then I remembered that when it’s your own kids you don’t just get to write about it you actually have to clean it up. And do you know how hard it is to get peanut butter out of hair? Or out of sink drains? The only reason it would be a good story to write about is because it absolutely SUCKED to live!
I talked to another friend today whose husband is breeding his German Shepherd. Oh.my.word. I told Heidi that she needs to write a book or a blog or something. You would not BELIEVE how expensive it is and all the crazy things that have gone down in this process. One of the least crazy things was having to pay to get the dogs sperm counted... which... umm.... you have to get the sperm before it can be counted. So many times through this process Heidi or I have said, “Seriously! This is real life. You couldn’t write stuff like this!” It would be great blog material but again, it’s stuff that SUCKS to live through.
So instead of feeling like I have nothing interesting to say because I don’t have a lot of crazy drama in my life right now, I’m taking a moment to say a heartfelt thank you to God that I don’t have any crazy drama in my life right now. There is nothing going on that is SUCKING to live through. Do I think we will never have crazy drama in our house again? No. But I’m not living in fear wondering when it will come. Instead, I’m doing laundry, going grocery shopping, refereeing kid arguments, washing dishes, making meals, cuddling my babies, cheering at soccer games, laughing with friends, and catching up on all the So You Think You Can Dances I missed because they got trumped by basketball and hockey play-offs, and you know what? I’m LOVING my life.
Romanticize Your Home
2 weeks ago
And so you should my dear friend! Because knowing you...something really wacky or crazy or hilarious (after the fact) will be just around the corner!!! :)
ReplyDeleteEnjoy the peace of today for who knows what tomorrow may bring!
ReplyDeleteAnd I am NEVER bored reading your blog!
This is so random, but Jaime's story was a highlight at my university grad BBQ that night! When I started reading your blog today, I just burst out laughing at how small the world is...she's one of my dearest friends and we were just talking about how I creep on your blog quite frequently!! Fun.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I am sad for the fact that we're moving away from each other but I am excited for her to move closer to you so that you can get to know her awesome and hilarious boys yourself!!