The past two weeks were as busy as the two weeks before that. So busy in fact that I managed to get myself not one, not two but three, that's right three! coldsores. I only ever get coldsores when I am worn out and/or stressed. I have never ever in my whole life had more than one coldsore at a time and I have been plenty worn out and/or stressed lots of other times in my life. The time I brought twin babies home from the hospital sort of comes to mind...
Anyway, we were supposed to go away this past weekend but I decided to listen to what my body was saying and we stayed home so I could catch up and try to prevent another three month crash. The nonstop-crying? That was also hard to ignore.
We had a great weekend at home and after days spent in the sun and the water and evenings curled up on the couch I feel incredibly refreshed and ready to face the world again. And I feel like summer in all its glory is finally here and I have time to enjoy it. Is there anything better than sweating glasses of Italian soda and fingers and faces sticky with the memory of sun-warmed cherries?
I'm also ready to tell you some stories of our past couple of weeks. Rather than try to cram it all into one post I'm going to tell you over the course of this week. For now I will leave you with the conversation we had in the van on the way home from dinner at a friends last night when Ava said, "Mom, guess what? I know the "s" word and the "c" word."
Hugh and I exchanged shocked glances before I cautiously said, "You do?"
"Yep! Snow and cold."
And then my heart started beating again.
Romanticize Your Home
2 weeks ago
Glad that you're working on new blog material. :)
ReplyDeleteAnd I think I'm going to have to start making Italian Sodas. Mmm.