Well let's just get the obvious out of the way shall we? I haven't written a blog in over two weeks and here's why:
1. It was grey and windy and cold and I stayed in my pajama's (as I've been doing for most of January) and threw myself a pity party because I felt like I had nothing to say and why would anyone care if I said it anyway?
2. I got together with Britni from a life well knit and she got me started knitting a cowl. I obsessively spent my spare time watching old 90210 episodes and knitting.
3. My best friend's Grandma died. Her family came from all over and surrounded her bedside praying, singing, crying and even laughing together. The stories Michelle has told me from that night sounded so beautiful and lovely they gave me goosebumps even from over the phone. I can just imagine what it would have been like to be in that room. So what does this have to do with me not blogging you ask? I've known their family for a long time and Grandma and Grandpa Richmond are the head of a very tight, very close-knit family rich in faith and love and connection and after having nothing to say for so long I had nothing to write as I was reflecting deeply about heritage and family legacy and couldn't articulate my thoughts.
4. My parents came for a visit. I love it when my parents come, we always have such a good visit. This one was no exception. I almost peed my pants laughing while Hugh, my parents and I canoe raced on the Wii. We also took the kids 5-pin bowling and Tristan came in third behind Hugh and my mom and his technique was HORRIBLE! He'd hold the ball and shuffle sideways up to the lane and then do a sideways 2-handed toss and he got a strike! I was terrible, gutter ball after gutter ball just alternating sides. After watching Tristan get a strike I decided to copy his technique for fun. Wouldn't you know it. I got a strike. I'm not even kidding.
5. I got caught in a fire at Winners. Actually it was my Mom and Sebastian and I. We were in Winners and Mom and I were each trying on a pair of jeans in the family fitting room when we heard this weird noise. Mom wondered what it was and I answered that it was probably a truck or something doing a warehouse delivery or something like that and we continued commenting on the jeans we tried on - how I thought the knees of the jeans I was trying were baggy and how the bum wasn't great on the pair my mom was trying. In the midst of these critiques there was suddenly a knock at the door and voice urgently telling us to get to the front of the store because the fire alarm was going off and they weren't sure why. In our defense can I just say it didn't sound like any fire alarm I've ever heard before? Neither my mom or I recognized that annoying noise as a fire alarm. The lady sounded pretty frantic so we quickly gathered up our clothes and our coats and wearing the jeans we were in the middle of trying on walked to the front of the store. When we got to the front of the store the news came that it was in fact a fire in the backroom and everyone had to vacate the premises immediately. "But," I yelled over the clanging noise, "We're wearing your clothes!"
"Oh great, you've got your clothes on!"
"No! No! These are YOUR clothes! YOURS! We were trying these on!"
"Okay.... Well I'll just quickly ring them through for you."
"But I don't want them! I don't like them!"
In the end they took my name and phone number and we walked over to London Drugs (first setting off the security alarms leaving Winners) wearing jeans with tags hanging out and stickers on the thigh and basically looking like petty thieves. Nothing all that new for me really.
This actually has nothing to do with why I couldn't blog but when was the last time you were in the change room of a store that caught on fire? We ended up changing into our own clothes in the London Drugs bathroom and walking our pilfered items back to Winners.
I think that's all. Mostly why I haven't blogged in a while is I have been so discouraged these past few weeks. I have felt quite listless and slumpy (if that can be considered a word). I've been struggling to find purpose in my everyday life and struggling for fresh creativity and inspiration. I haven't wanted to cook and I'm sick of everything I make. I've wanted to hide behind books and movies in my spare time. A few weeks ago one of my friends posted on her facebook status:
Romanticize Your Home
2 weeks ago
Oh Heather, obviously the easy answer is to just pack up and move to Smithers.
ReplyDeleteBut seriously, I have no idea. Reading your words felt like I was reading my own thoughts. Many a conversations have been had between me and Jeremy about this. Especially since I'm uber-pregnant right now and can't do much, and let's face it, miserable.
Thank you for writing this though. It's given me a lot to think about.
I agree with Billie....move here and I will make your life a constant ray of sunshine...
ReplyDeleteOh friend...I hate seeing (Hearing) you so SLUMPY!
Time for another call...
Well as a nearly 30 year old single woman... life could very easily look like this all the time. I confess all too often it does. My 'solutions' if you want to call them that are varied... but here you go.
ReplyDeleteFirst, what you've already written in a way, is I try to gain perspective. There is a John Piper quote that was given to me a year ago at a time when I really lost perspective. And I mean big time. "My feelings aren't God. God is God. My feelings don't define truth God's word does..." (the rest of the quote is just as valuable, but it's long and I want to get on with it, just google it).
It may sound cliche, but I talk to God about it. I ask him for energy. I ask him for ideas. Creativity. Sometimes (often) I forget that he cares about this stuff too.
On a strictly practical level. I spend more intentional time on things that feed my soul.
I'll call a friend (a kindred spirit, who will not let me wallow, but will spark ideas even). I'll cook something I've never made before. I'll go for a walk. You get the idea... make a list!
Why not take a class? It could be something you're interested or gifted in - or something you've never thought of before. I just started a quilting class. I'm the youngest one there and I don't know how well I'll do or even why the heck I'm there in the first place, but boy was I jazzed to pick out fabric!
At the end of the day I do things even when I don't feel the motivation to even try. Sometimes it's like pulling teeth, but always, always better than doing nothing. That will only drag you down even more.
I don't know if that's helpful at all. I know our lives look different and you may be limited to some degree with little ones running around your ankles.
Just remember some of us would give anything to have that problem.
:) xo
Oh one more thing. I'm slowing coming out of that sort of slump and for years I've stayed away from Christian living type books for obvious reasons. 10 days ago I felt so compelled to buy a book I saw. It's called Spiritual Rhythm by Mark Buchanan... he's talking about seasons in life. He starts with winter. I've cried my way through the first 2 chapters and have been meditating on them since. Good, good stuff. And although I'm nowhere near the end, I will recommend it without apology.
ReplyDeleteLove you. Love your writing! I say just blog, bake and have a yummy hot drink! Who cares if your feeling slumpy, it has been minus a billion there and the weather is always playing on how I feel...deep down and true to heart you are an overcomer, full of life with an incredible family who we all adore! Ok, now write another post....I lookouts reading them! Xo
ReplyDeleteDamn 'auto correct' I meant loooooooove reading them.
ReplyDeleteThanks girls! I've had a lot of interesting comments from this post here, through email and f/b. It's given me a lot to think about and I appreciate your thoughtful responses so much. I'm hoping to post some of my thoughts in the next day or two.
ReplyDeleteP.S. Kim, that book sounds amazing, thanks for the recommend, it's on now on my hitlist.
Katie - it really HAS been minus a billion here!
ReplyDeleteI've been meaning to comment here all week and keep forgetting. I don't have a solution for you - wish I did - that would mean I didn't have these slumps myself...but I definitely do. You are not alone at all.
ReplyDeleteRecognizing and accepting that the down-ness won't last forever (even if it feels like it) and knowing I will again feel creative and energized helps some, or at least helps to stop the berating internal dialogue. Getting outside and some fresh air (although difficult when freezing, and with the kids) helps me too. Like Kimberley said above, intentionally choosing activities that feed my soul is so important.
Hang in there - I love your blog and am glad you share in this space. Thanks for being honest.