If you have ever taken care of children not your own (who speak in sentences) you know that in the absence of the people who know kids will basically try to get away with murder using the tried and true line, "But Mommy always lets me!" Like, "But Mommy always lets me get the water myself!" or "But Mommy always lets me have 2 cookies!" Their genius is they ask for things that fall just this side of the maybe line. It's not like they're asking for 10 cookies, that would be an automatic no. But 2? Well maybe they really are allowed two cookies and maybe they really are allowed to press the button for the water on the fridge. Then again, you think as the water is pouring onto the wood floor, maybe not.
My sister Jane moved to Vancouver at the end of May but had to come back for a wedding. One morning, during the week she was here she kindly let us sleep in. Although that may not have been intentional since it's sort of hard to pretend you're still asleep when the kids have jumped into your bed to cuddle, asking, "Abbey are you awake? Are you awake now? Are you awake yet? Oh AAAAABEY!" while also laying on your head and kicking you in the back in a nice staccato rhythm. Whether she just needed to remove herself from arms (or feets) reach or whether she thought food would help tame the beasts I don't know; at any rate Jane hauled herself out of bed to make the kids breakfast, specifically toast.
My kids eat alot of toast and they always ask me to cut the crusts off and I always say no. Not because I actually care if they eat their crusts or not, I don't like eating my crusts, I just can't be bothered cutting them off and figure they can eat around them.Yes I am that lazy.Now Jane has spent almost as much time with the kids as I have and she knows this routine so her automatic respnse was negative when they first asked. But she had been gone for 3 weeks and Ava, eyes shining, head nodding and conviction throbbing in her voice was saying, "But Mommy ALWAYS cuts the crust off!" When Hugh got downstairs and saw their crustless toast he laughed "they got you did they?"
Unlike the time she picked the kids up from preschool and Tristan asked if he could drive.
"Abbey can I drive?"
"Because you're a kid and kids aren't allowed to drive."
"Because that's the rule."
"But I don't want that to be the rule!"
"Well it is, so hop into your carseat."
"But I want to DRIIIIIVE!"
"But. you. are. not. going. to."
"Tristan quit arguing! You are NOT DRIVING."
"But...But...But...Mommy always lets me!"
Let me repeat, the key to success is be believable.
Romanticize Your Home
2 weeks ago
ReplyDeleteI wonder what would have happened if she said yes.
'Sure Tris, you can drive....have fun reachin' the pedals little buddy.'
Abbey? I'm not following.
ReplyDeleteIt's imperative that you buy Tristan the maggie simpson steering wheel so that they think they're driving.
Ha ha... yes Tristan should stick with the second cookie type requests...
ReplyDeleteHaha... that's great.
ReplyDeleteHahahah- that is too funny. I agree with Michelle, what would have happened if Jane did let him??!
ReplyDeleteAbout the toast, I'm the exact same way. I don't care if they eat them or not but I just can't bother cutting off crust of of how many slices of bread so early in the morning.