Thursday, March 3, 2011

A List: Things that are making me smile today

These sandwich plates that have an oil spill sheen to them.  My kids call them pixie plates.  Perfect for a Peter Rabbit lunch.  (Which in case you haven't read any Beatrix Potter recently is bread with butter and honey, blackberries and milk.)

This sunshine-y yellow roasting pan.  This was a gift from my lovely mother-in-law many moons ago.  It is one of my all-time favourite pieces of cookware.  Under that lid, waiting to be transformed into culinary goodness, is a chicken stuffed with garlic, orange wedges and fresh rosemary. 

So many things about this picture make me smile.  The colour of the roasting pan.  The fluted edges.  (HELLOOOOO gorgeous!)  The carrots that came out of someone's garden somewhere proving that Spring, in fact, does exist. 

Even if all I see around me is a cold barren wasteland. 


These seed packets propped up in my kitchen windowsill.  I bought dill, oregano, basil, rosemary, thyme, mint (hello mojito's!) and chives.  I can just imagine all the lovely fresh food I will be able to make with herbs from my very own herb garden.  

Assuming of course that any of them survive my tender loving care.  I'm so much older and wiser than I was last year when I killed all the rootlings.  I'm sure this year will be better.  Except... I still don't know why they died.  Hope springs eternal as they say!

What makes you smile today?


  1. Love that roasting pan! Pots and pans should always be pretty. It must make doing dishes just a little more enjoyable :)

    Today, I smiled because I started a new book, the sun came out for a couple hours, and Matt brought home my new lantern sconces.

  2. I have seeds on my window sill too!

    I smiled today because I ventured out of the house finally, after a week of post-op recovery. The sun was shining, I put makeup on, and we went out for a total of 45 minutes. (That's about all I could handle.)

    But still... what a luxury to get out of the house- even if it was with 3 kids.

  3. a quiet day at home with no kids, no hubby and no plan.....

    I wouldn't like that everyday, but loved it today...

  4. A visit with my sweet, sweet friend. It made me smile and laugh today!
