I'm still not sleeping well. I couldn't fall asleep last night and then woke up at 5am this morning. I am tired. So, so tired. Can't keep my emotions together, feel tears welling all the time kind of tired.
I spent literally all day yesterday going through the kids clothes - what to put away for next year, what to give away, what to pass down to my nephew - and I finally managed to get the kids fall clothes out. Just in time for it to be 26 degrees tomorrow. This makes me want to cry.
Also, I finally got the kids their new socks. We took them all out of their packages yesterday and put them away. This morning I was barely out of bed when Ava came to me fully dressed and said very seriously, "Mom we have a problem. My new socks are too big in the ankle." Not only are they too big in the ankle they are too big in the foot. The heel hits halfway up the back of her leg. So now, she needs another set of new socks. This also made me cry.
Also, Tristan was fully dressed this morning which at first I didn't think anything of. Then I noticed his pajamas on the floor of Ava's room and the bottoms were different than what he had gone to bed wearing last night. From past experience I know this means he peed his bed. Instead of telling me though, he tried to hide it by making his bed all nice. Which meant that when I noticed the pj bottoms and asked him about it and went to look at his bed what could have been just a quick sheet wash ended up an also soaked duvet and cover and basically added two more loads of laundry to a day already chock full of it. This made me cry too.
I'm drinking a cup of really hot tea right now while I type and just writing this out is making me feel better, giving me some perspective. Things don't feel quite as hopeless as they did half an hour ago. Even though Sebastian just spilled his bowl of cereal. For the second time this morning.
Edited to add: Also, my washing machine broke this morning. During a load of bedding right before the rinse cycle. It was my third of 7 loads I have to do today. Do you ever wish you could have a do-over? I would like to have a do-over of today.
Romanticize Your Home
2 weeks ago
Let's see... Holly spilled her bowl of cereal this morning, then after lunch she got her sucker taken away because she poked Clare in the eye with it, then Clare was "tickling" Holly and knocked her over calling for an all out emotional meltdown.
ReplyDeleteI asked Holly, "Is it time for bed?" to which she agreed yes, fervently.
Is it possible for you to have a nap today? It's not a do-over, but it'll be good.
and this is why we talked for an hour today....
ReplyDelete....do over indeed!......
On a positive note...THREE BLOGS IN THREE DAYS??? Yeehaw!