Tuesday, February 22, 2011

This too shall pass

This is the part where I tell you I actually have nothing to say.  I had grand plans to show you all my new fun bangs and the cowl I knit but I forgot to take a pic on Friday when my hair was freshly washed and I can't do it today as that would require A)having clean hair or B)having semi-clean hair.  Neither of which I have. 

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The stomach flu gave way to colds and it has been one big cough fest over here.  On Sunday, Hugh took Ava to church and I stayed in my pj's on our lovely downstairs couch sandwiched between two limp boys who took turns coughing endlessly on my face.  Did you know that listening to an endless symphony of coughing can actually make a person insane? 

No?  That's just me? 
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In times of sickness our house copes by watching TV.  Which means it's been on A LOT over the last week.  At one point on Sunday morning I thought, enough with the TV already! and we shut it off and pulled out stories.  I couldn't even hear myself read over their coughing so then I thought, screw it, and turned the TV back on.  Did you know that He-Man and She-ra are on back-to-back on Sunday Mornings on Teletoon Retro? "For the honour of Grayskull!" You know how sometimes you watch an old movie or TV show that you loved as a kid and you find you still love it, that it still has the same magic you remember?  He-man and She-ra absolutely are not that.  They are terrible!

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At the end of last week I decided that any time I said, "But I don't feel like....(cleaning the bathrooms, getting dressed, washing my hair)" it meant I absolutely had to make myself do it.  I figured this would be a really good way to make sure I wasn't living based on my feelings.  How's it going so far you ask?  Well my bathrooms still aren't clean, I have spent twice as much time in jammies than jeans and I haven't washed my hair since Friday.  So....Awesome! 

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I know I said I didn't want to use books as novocain but I'm going mental from the coughing!  I need to escape from this sick/mad house even if I can't physically leave.  Help a girl out will ya?  Is anybody reading anything great right now? 


  1. Oh Heather, I SO understand. We've been sick over here too which means a lot of t.v. If I have to watch another episode of Zach and Cody or Phinneus and Ferb....well actually I really like Phinneus and Ferb.

    A couple books I just finished reading that I thought were really good were, House Rules by Jodi Picoult. Actually I like a lot of her books. She wrote my Sister's Keeper. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith. One of my faves I can read over and over.

    I hope the kidlets get better soon!

  2. I'm with Simone...
    I like Phinneus and Ferb too....

    I have no good book ideas...
    I'm book bankrupt!

  3. http://www.amazon.com/Mennonite-Little-Black-Dress-Memoir/dp/080508925X

    Mennonite Girl in A Black Dress: A Memoir of Going Home.

    Laugh out LOUD. VERY VERY LOUD. Riotous, actually, but maybe that's because I'm 100% Mennonite.

    Thought you'd like it when I read it :-)
